Gaydar Android App

Android General Issues

A - Welcome to the Android App - LOG IN PAGE

Welcome to the Android App!


Tap in the Profile Name box and type in your name EXACTLY as registered. (Case sensitive)

Tap in the Password box and type in the detail, EXACTLY as registered. (Case sensitive)


Welcome Page

B - What do the icons mean?

There are 6 icons on the page:

Main Menu / My Profile / Browse / Favourites / Explorer / Messages


What are the icons

C - Edit my Settings / Personal Details

First, go to the Main Menu then tap Settings:




Tap the item you wish to edit, example Personal Details to edit your Email Address:


D - Edit my Profile / View my Membership status

To Edit your profile, TAP on the Profile icon at the top right of the screen:

 Profile Icon


Profile information now displayed: SWIPE down to edit




TAP on the Field(s) that you wish to edit as necessary:


E - How do I manage my Photos?

To Add / Manage / Delete photos, first go to the Main Menu and tap Gallery.

 Main Menu


Now tap to edit your Public or Private images:




Now tap on "Take a photo" (using your device camera) or "Choose from Device" to upload from your device folders.



F - Browsing and Filters / Search a Specific Profile?

To use a basic Browse, TAP on the Browse icon.

To ADD a FILTER, swipe DOWN from the top of the screen.

Tap each section to filter, and tap on APPLY.



To search for a SPECIFIC PROFILE NAME, tap on the Search icon (magnifying glass), type in the required text and enter.

H - How do I add Favourites?

To add a Favourite, view their profile from the grid and tap on the STAR icon.


To view your Favourites, tap the Favourites icon at the bottom of the screen, you will be shown My Favs / Who Faved Me:


I - How do I see Winks?

To send a Wink, tap on a user profile and tap the Smiley Face!

To see who Winked at you, or who you Winked, tap on the Main Menu.

Main Menu



Next, tap on the Winks section:


J - Who viewed me? / Who did I view.?

Tap on the Main Menu:

Main Menu


Then tap on Views:


K - How to use the Xplorer function

Tap the Xplorer icon to search by City/Town name




Type in the City/Town name you want to view, the system then displays a list - choose the one you want to view!